Saturday, November 8, 2008

VERY VERY sad day

Today is no longer a good day.

My external hard drive crashed.

I have lost all of my music. ALL OF IT.

The hard drive has locked me out of every file that contained an MP3, M4A, M4P, WAV files... every type of music file has been cut off. And I had a lot. And since every CD I own is currently located in Kentucky, it doesn't look like I'll be able to fix them all any time too soon.

I was luckily able to save all my pictures, but every last music file I had on my computer is lost forever.

I've been having issues with my external hard drive for several weeks now, but I never expected it to get this bad. Hopefully I'll be able to figure something out to fix it. Until then, I'll be sitting here very depressed. :'(


Tiffany said...

I mourn for your loss because I know how much that means to you! I hope you find a way to fix it, but in case you don't, I'm here for your Broadway supply... and whatever else I may have that you want. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your external harddrive. Did we not get the best kind last year. I am hoping that it come through for you can works again. Mom

Tess said...

I echo Tiffany (minus the Broadway thing)...I'm so sorry!

Anonymous said...

So sad, so sad, so sad...that's all I have to say.