Thursday, October 16, 2008

LDS Superheroes?

So random fun of the night:

I was sitting on my coach watching the season finale of Project Runway (for the second time) with my roommates tonight and I started messing around on the internet. I'm kinda on a superheroes kick at the moment so I was looking at histories of characters and came across a site that was made to group superheroes (and some villains) by their religions. Now, it's not that they had actually taken the time to create this list, but that there was a group of superheroes/comic book characters that are LDS! How bizarre-o is that!? Don't believe me, click HERE to find out for yourself.

Oh and the best part, did you know that one of the Three Nephites has comic book fame now? Yeah, neither did I. But he's in the comic Madmen, which is written by an LDS author. Can I just say the comic book world sure does run the gauntlet of the strange. (He's featured in the pic above. He's the one in the comic strip on the top, with the hood on. He's just left of the chick in orange/red in the upper right corner of the image. He's saying "I am one of the Three. I am Nephite....")

Can I just say the comic book world sure does run the gauntlet of the strange.


Anonymous said...

Brittany, There are times that you really scare me !!! Mom