Monday, September 1, 2008

Warning Warning... Nastiness aproaching

First off, don't read this post if you have just eaten or plan on doing so shortly. I can not promise favorable results if you do.

So for the few who read this blog and don't already know, on my birthday I got a not so nice birthday surprise... I was told I was going to need to have minor foot surgery before I headed back to New York. I had this crazy wart on my foot that I was trying to get rid of for a while and it just wouldn't heal so the foot doctor said it had to be cut off (the nasty growth thingy, not the foot itself.) Anyway, the next day I got to go to Jewish Hospital South and have surgery at 8:30 in the morning. I spend the rest of the day sleeping and resting so I could be well enough to make my 9am flight to New York the next morning.

This whole weekend I've had to deal with the aftermath of the surgery. This basically entailed wearing a blue foot guard/boot thing when I was walking, and tons of gaus and medical wrap the rest of the time. Not very fun. The worst part of it was that I also had to move out of my old apartment at the same time. Thankfully I had my cousin Kimberly here to help me out. I didn't have to move much myself, but I still did more than I should have.

Because of all the walking I had to do, a lot of the gause shifted throughout the weekend. Now ti wasn't enough to expose anything or hurt my foot in general, but it was enough to drive me crazy. Well tonight I got to take the wrapping off my foot. My mom asked to see what it looked like, so for you viewing pleasure, here is the nastiness that is my stitches. Enjoy...

My feet while they were wrapped up.

Here is me starting the unwrapping...

Now the gause...

And here's the nastiness... They really didn't make it look very nice at all. No wondering it doesn't feel too good to move my big toe.


Tiffany said...

WOW! Oh ouch! I'm sorry you had to do that! I can totally relate to foot surgeries and I can tell you that the thing that helps the most is to elevate it, keep it iced, and walk on it as little as humanly possible. I really hope you had an enjoyable trip home (despite the surgery)! I miss you and hope to see you soon! XOXOXO

Tess said...

MY POOR BRITTANY! I'm so sorry! When do you get those stitches out?

Shannon said...

That looks really nasty...I can't believe that was all for a stinking wart!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Brittany!!! When are we going to start hearing something from you on your blog. You need to get with the program, we all know that you life has to be just alittle bit interesting. Mom

Kristen said...

Brittany--oh my gosh are you okay now? See--you never should have left Kentucky. You know, there are interesting professions to be had in could be a professional cornhole player.